Eco friendly products filled with the thoughts of Mr.Vandong, a Technical Advisor of BSDA working to solve social problems, and the brand owner Ms. Suzuki.
Through the matching service “Social Match for SDGs” (hereinafter referred to as “Social Match”) developed by value Co., Ltd., a match was made between entrepreneur Ms. Miki Suzuki and Mr.Vandong, a Technical Advisor of an NGO that supports vocational training and job creation in Kampong Cham Province, Cambodia.
The collaboration resulted in the establishment of BAMBOO SUZUKI, a brand of interior goods made from bamboo produced in Kompong Cham, and the opening of an e-commerce site for the Japanese market.
10% of the profits from the sales will be donated to BSDA, which supports vocational training and job creation activities for young people. BAMBOO SUZUKI aims to address the problems of education and poverty in Kampong Cham Province.

Matching background

Mr. Vandong founded an NGO in Cambodia and established a vocational training center in Kampong Cham in Cambodia, for young people who could not go to school due to poverty or family reasons.
However, after receiving vocational training, there are not enough places for young people to work in Kampong Cham, so they feel the issue of young people falling into poverty again, and in order to create employment, they developed and operate a Bamboo Resort.
The buildings of the Bamboo Resort and the interior of the rooms are made from bamboo. Mr. Vandong wanted to export bamboo products overseas because he felt that exporting bamboo products made by community people would create more jobs in the local market as the producers became more skilled in building and maintaining bamboo resorts and bamboo interiors.
Social problems increasing in COVID period, Ms. Suzuki decided that she wanted to start a business that could really contribute to the local community by selling fair trade products, with the hope of “creating a better society as soon as possible.
When she consulted with SocialMatch, we heard that she was interested in interior design so SocialMatch introduced her to Mr. Vandong.
Ms. Suzuki and Mr. Vandong had only met online. Their passion for the environment and their desire to solve social problems in the local community matched, and they hit it off right from the first online meeting.
Social Match provides monthly support for business meetings and projects.
The bamboo interior brand BAMBOO SUZUKI was born, where local producers make interiors designed by Ms. Suzuki using bamboo from Kampong Cham, Cambodia.

BAMBOO SUZUKI’s products are made from bamboo, a natural material, without using plastics that place a burden on the environment. Since bamboo is good for the environment as it returns to nature even when it is thrown away, the e-commerce site was opened on June 5th on World Environment Day.
In addition, 10% of the profits from the sale will be donated to Mr. Vandong’s NGO, which supports job training and job creation activities for young people.

Contributing to the SDGs

The more BAMBOO SUZUKI’s products are sold in Japan, the more local employment can be created, and 10% of the profits from sales will be used to support job training for young people and for job creation activities. In addition, bamboo, which is a natural resource, will be used effectively, and the product is filled with the thoughts of Ms. Suzuki and Mr. Vandong, who are dedicated to solving social problems.
This is an initiative by the global partnership of Ms. Suzuki, Mr. Vandong, and SocialMatch, and embodies SDG No. 17: “Strengthen the means of implementation for sustainable development and revitalize global partnerships.

Ms. Miki Suzuki, Owner, BAMBOO SUZUKI
As I gained experience as a volunteer and a fundraiser for a non-profit organization, I decided that my next step would be to contribute to solving social problems through business, and I wanted to work on the SDGs.
When Social Match introduced me to Mr.Vandong, I heard about his wonderful background and experience. At that time, I was impressed by his activities and great achievements that he has been doing his best to help the community.
I will never forget the excitement I felt when I received the first samples of the products that the local producers had worked so hard to produce for the Japanese market.
The only interior products that can contribute to the local youth from Japan and are good for the environment are the products of BAMBOO SUZUKI. I will do my best to deliver that goodness and excitement to my customers!
In addition, SocialMatch supports many companies, but even though I was just a beginner, they gave me a lot of friendly support. I wouldn’t have been able to make it this far without SocialMatch. Thank you very much.

Mr. Vandong, Technical Advisor of BSDA
Our NGO is very proud to be a partner with SocialMatch.
Thanks to the sincere support of SocialMatch, we have been able to meet Japanese business partners and others.
We hope to work with SocialMatch to create more social and environmental impact in both Japan and Cambodia.
Today, through our partnership with BAMBOO SUZUKI, which we met through Social Match, bamboo products made from local bamboo will be sold in the Japanese market, which will improve the local environmental economy and have an impact on both society and the environment.
We hope to continue to receive support from our Japanese partners as we work together to address the environment, climate change, and the global SDGs.

Asami Higuchi, COO value Co., Ltd. (Social Match)
In the first meeting Ms. Suzuki said, “I want to increase the number of people who choose products because they are fair trade products that help support local communities.”
Ms. Suzuki told us that she is interested in bamboo products and interior design as well as in providing support to local people, so we introduced her to Mr. Vandong.
Mr. Vandong provides vocational training and jobs to young people in Kampong Cham, Cambodia, and established a bamboo resort and bamboo interiors to create jobs in the local community.
Although Ms. Suzuki had never been to Cambodia and the meeting with Mr. Vandong was conducted entirely online, they hit it off right away because they shared the same vision for creating jobs in rural areas and making eco-friendly products.
Ms. Suzuki emphasizes designs that make use of local people’s ideas and local materials, and I think that BAMBOO SUZUKI products allow people to feel Cambodia even though they are in Japan.